Roberto Ornan Roche is a Christian writer from Cuba. In 1995 he won a prize for his text "Sand in my Eyes." Starting from the 2004 his texts have been published in national magazines of different Christian denominations in Cuba. In 2009, the author has the purpose of making his stories well-known internationally, just like "The Perfect Story", his English version, is being published and printed in U.S. by In Touch Magazine (more than a million copies and translated to several languages).
lunes, 31 de diciembre de 2012
miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012
Wait is FREE for three days ONLY, by Emelia Mosima
Wait is FREE for three days ONLY:
Although waiting can be a painful experience, God wants us to be happy and peaceful throughout the waiting process. Everything seems to be delivered in bits these days, but heaven deems it sophistication to wait on God. This book is practical and transparent in its approach to the concept of waiting on God. It acknowledges that waiting is not something we inherently embrace and shares powerful, biblical insights into the concept of waiting. It reveals the often shrouded traits that make it difficult for the saints to wait, and hints on what saints could do while they wait and how to wait on God.
Wait! will help those who once trusted Him but are now overwhelmed by the yokes of life, reaffirm those tossed to and fro by the waves of life's struggles, encourage those about to throw in the towel, calm those terrified by the negative reports, remind those whose faith is drowning, that the little of it remaining can move a mountain. God's majesty lives outside of time; His strength, rescue, and reward transcends all.
Thanks for your help!
Shop 'Til You Drop FREE Christian Book Promotion & More!
Shop 'Til You Drop FREE Christian Book Promotion & More!
I'm totally excited the Shop 'Til You Drop Books and More sale going on over at Body and Soul Publishing. Partly because my book, THE LIGHTHOUSE OF ASAPH, is one of the books included in the sale, and partly because of all the savings being offered on other Christian eBooks! December 26th through the 28th, 2012 readers can score over 40 FREE Christian books AND one lucky reader will walk away with a $25 Amazon gift card.
Besides my book, bestselling authors such as Staci Stallings, Heather Bixler, Krystal Kuehn, and Janet Perez Eckles are just a few of the names that readers will see on the books that are included in this sale. The books range from Christian romance novels, to Bible study, to book marketing, and even children's books. Readers can rack up savings of over$140 on books during this sale, so I recommend checking it out here:
And while you're there, don't forget to enter to win the $25 gift card.
martes, 25 de diciembre de 2012
FREE "The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections"
is free on Dec 25th-28th
lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012
Trapezes of the Soul ~BLOG POST
Trapecios del Alma, por Roberto Ornan Roche, Febrero 2006
Trapecios del Alma
Por Roberto Ornan Roche (Febrero 2006)
El trapecista permanece sereno sobre su alto lugar, la red protectora ya no parece demasiado débil y estrecha como cuando era un novato, hace ya mucho tiempo.
Ni siquiera tiene en cuenta la posibilidad de un error, sus manos se muestran seguras y serenas.
Del otro lado le esperan otras manos, de aquel que miles de veces no ha fallado en el momento exacto de sujetarle.
Existen momentos que son como trapecios del alma. Entonces nos toca decidir con todas las fuerzas del corazón si queremos liberarnos de nuestra pesada carga y confiar en las manos de Dios.
Aunque ahora tenemos muchos retos e interrogantes, antes nada nos motivaba a creer en la verdad, la fe parecía perdida y las promesas sonaban discordes y lejanas como viejos recuerdos.
Dios nos tomó cuando pensábamos caeríamos estrepitosamente y hoy todo depende de nuestra propia confianza en sus promesas.
Va a comenzar el primer acto acrobático, pero en el público hay un cristiano que piensa es muy difícil creer y confiar en Dios si se miran sin madurez cristiana las cosas tristes que suceden a nuestro derredor y en nuestra propia vida.
Él cree que sin fe es imposible creer en Dios y que para poder tener una fe efectiva y real, primeramente hay que entender el por qué a veces nos quedamos sin nada en las manos.
En algunos momentos, él se ha sentido como un trapecista. Ha sentido que quiere cosas que quizás nunca alcanzará; sin embargo, cuando existe algo que puede desviarle de ese camino o hacerlo del todo imposible, entonces su corazón se llena de pesar imaginando que toda la vida va a lamentar el abandonar su mayor anhelo, aun cuando todo parecía aparentemente perdido.
Miles de veces le ha preguntado a Dios cómo quitar su dolor y en medio de la prueba por momentos siente que no tiene una red protectora para intentar una vez más un milagro para su vida. Cuando pierde la fe puede percibir que su vida se desmorona y los amigos ya no dicen nada nuevo ni alentador.
Los trapecios del alma significan "soltarse" a las manos de Dios, confiar en su brazo y mantener la fe viva.
Es verdad que duelen las muñecas, que están acalambradas y rojas de estar tanto tiempo asidas a esfuerzos propios. Tienen hinchazón y mucho dolor, pero qué sucederá entonces si abandonan la búsqueda del milagro más hermoso e importante.
Los trapecistas se mecen por la inercia de su último acto, mientras el público les aplaude. Un momento antes todos los sentidos estaban en las manos, en la ejecución de cada acrobacia.
Ahora el corazón mira a la gente y un suspiro se escapa de los pechos agitados. Los rostros muestran una sonrisa que parece ajena y plástica, pero todo fue un éxito rotundo.
En medio de la multitud, un cristiano piensa en los "trapecios de su alma". Por un momento su mente se distrae de acompañar al público que le rodea en el ferviente aplauso; entonces sólo medita en todas las veces cuando se sintió como uno de esos trapecistas. Cuando no vivió la vida que el mundo le ofrecía y tomaba el difícil camino de la fe.
Por la mano bendita de Dios, los actos de trapecio de su corazón fueron exitosos. Lo entregó todo cuando parecía estar perdido; y a cambio de la fe de su corazón, encontró un mejor destino para su vida y para su propia alma.
Sentía estar recibiendo todos esos aplausos desde el cielo. Era simplemente un trapecista más. Las manos de Dios lo habían salvado.
(Roberto Ornan Roche, es un escritor cristiano cubano, ha sido publicado por varias revistas cristianas de diferentes denominaciones evangélicas). También posee su libro en venta internacionalmente en Amazon:
"El Faro de Asaf: Reflexiones Cristianas Inolvidables":
Precio: 5.90 en
En España:
Trapecios del Alma (versión ilustrada), por Roberto Ornan Roche, 2006
Trapecios del Alma
Por Roberto Ornan Roche
El trapecista permanece sereno sobre su alto lugar. La red protectora ya no parece demasiado débil y estrecha como cuando era un novato, hace ya mucho tiempo.
Ni siquiera tiene en cuenta la posibilidad de un error y sus manos se muestran seguras y serenas.
Del otro lado le esperan otras manos, de aquel que miles de veces no ha fallado en el momento exacto de sujetarle.
Existen momentos que son como trapecios del alma. Entonces nos toca decidir con todas las fuerzas del corazón si queremos liberarnos de nuestra pesada carga y confiar en las manos de Dios.
Aunque ahora tenemos muchos retos e interrogantes, antes nada nos motivaba a creer en la verdad, la fe parecía perdida y las promesas sonaban discordes y lejanas como viejos recuerdos.
Dios nos tomó cuando pensábamos caeríamos estrepitosamente y hoy todo depende de nuestra propia confianza en sus promesas.
Va a comenzar el primer acto acrobático, pero en el público hay un cristiano que piensa es muy difícil creer y confiar en Dios si se miran sin madurez cristiana las cosas tristes que suceden a nuestro derredor y en nuestra propia vida.
Él cree que sin fe es imposible creer en Dios y que para poder tener una fe efectiva y real, primeramente hay que entender el por qué a veces nos quedamos sin nada en las manos.
En algunos momentos, él se ha sentido como un trapecista. Ha sentido que quiere cosas que quizás nunca alcanzará; sin embargo, cuando existe algo que puede desviarle de ese camino o hacerlo del todo imposible, entonces su corazón se llena de pesar imaginando que toda la vida va a lamentar el abandonar su mayor anhelo, aun cuando todo parecía aparentemente perdido.
Miles de veces le ha preguntado a Dios cómo quitar su dolor y en medio de la prueba por momentos siente que no tiene una red protectora para intentar una vez más un milagro para su vida. Cuando pierde la fe puede percibir que su vida se desmorona y los amigos ya no dicen nada nuevo ni alentador.
Los trapecios del alma significan "soltarse" a las manos de Dios, confiar en su brazo y mantener la fe viva.
Es verdad que duelen las muñecas, que están acalambradas y rojas de estar tanto tiempo asidas a esfuerzos propios. Tienen hinchazón y mucho dolor, pero qué sucederá entonces si abandonan la búsqueda del milagro más hermoso e importante.
Los trapecistas se mecen por la inercia de su último acto, mientras el público les aplaude. Un momento antes todos los sentidos estaban en las manos, en la ejecución de cada acrobacia.
Ahora el corazón mira a la gente y un suspiro se escapa de los pechos agitados. Los rostros muestran una sonrisa que parece ajena y plástica, pero todo fue un éxito rotundo.
En medio de la multitud, un cristiano piensa en los "trapecios de su alma". Por un momento su mente se distrae de acompañar al público que le rodea en el ferviente aplauso; entonces sólo medita en todas las veces cuando se sintió como uno de esos trapecistas. Cuando no vivió la vida que el mundo le ofrecía y tomaba el difícil camino de la fe.
Por la mano bendita de Dios, los actos de trapecio de su corazón fueron exitosos. Lo entregó todo cuando parecía estar perdido; y a cambio de la fe de su corazón, encontró un mejor destino para su vida y para su propia alma.
Sentía estar recibiendo todos esos aplausos desde el cielo. Era simplemente un trapecista más. Las manos de Dios lo habían salvado.
(Roberto Ornan Roche, es un escritor cristiano cubano, ha sido publicado por varias revistas cristianas de diferentes denominaciones evangélicas). También posee su libro en venta internacionalmente en Amazon:
"El Faro de Asaf: Reflexiones Cristianas Inolvidables":
Precio: 5.90 en
En España:
viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012
viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012
(SPANISH FREE EBOOK) LIBRO GRATIS "El Faro de Asaf: Reflexiones Cristianas Inolvidables"
jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012
Facebook Page likes request
jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012
Cuban Christian literature
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (Paperback) (Kindle)
miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2012
FREE "The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories"
My interview by Martin Roth (Australian Author):
lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012
The Lighthouse of the Miracle, by Roberto Ornan Roche
The Lighthouse of the Miracle**
By Roberto Ornan Roche
The man remembers that tour to the lighthouse. He remembers the long road when the tower was profiling in the horizon. It did not care the distance neither the fatigue, each step took them together, with love and happiness.
Their hearts were plenty of the miracle of their lives; he looked how the woman who was the gift of God smiled and all the time, she noticed the beautifulness of the nature they were finding in the road.
It was for the second occasion, that they climbed up a lighthouse together but for the first time; they were happy and blissful, looking at the horizon, having their hands closely jointed and willing to belong to each other for ever.
People that helped them to ascend didn't understand the meaning of that yearning.
The man also remembers the blessing that he received from his Pastor for his marriage in that same lighthouse. All his sufferings had been vanished that day and he felt an immense happiness, comparable with nothing until that moment.
Then, he gave thanks to God for hearing the desire of his heart, forgiving and curing the wounds of his heart and making truth the miracle that seemed to be impossible.
People of the lighthouse remembered them and left aside everything in order to speak, wonder things and observe the facts that only God could make in these two human beings.
The man remembers when he took each one of his children to the same lighthouse, and he taught them to love the sea so as to feel that they were in the place which always filled his parents with hope and illusion. . . .
. . . .and that it was part of the greatest miracle in their lives. That it represented the love that made a man change deeply and to revive a stronger and actual love, with the faith of never to be surrendered.
But only some of these moments existed, others are in his thought, wandering between the unreal thing and the truth.
And it is that each gleam of light of the lighthouse is a memory in his life. And while he feels the deep sadness for the past events, and the distant light that cannot be seen even in the horizon points the night of that place, he gives thanks to God for those days.
And he remembers the long road again, when the gift that he didn't know how to take care of, was walking by his side, looking together how the tall tower was profiling in the horizon: the lighthouse of the miracle.
jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2012
miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012
viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012
miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012
FREE* The Lighthouse of Asaph
domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012
Lack of sales
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (Kindle) 0.99 ctvs (Paperback) 4.70 USD
My interview by Martin Roth (Australian Author):
lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012
"The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories": (Kindle)
My interview by Martin Roth (Australian Author):
viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012
The Lighthouse of Asaph cover (Kindle)
miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012
FREE* The Lighthouse of Asaph
#1 in Devotional Category! FREE* "The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections", is free today 9/26
Roberto Ornan Roche, a Christian writer from Cuba, is an internationally recognized author with stories published in English and Spanish. His book, A Lighthouse of Asaph, is a story collection capturing the emotions and longings of a Cuban heart. The stories were written in an attempt to reconcile the author's life of faith with a society that discourages it. Born out of fear and sadness, sadness from praying for dreams that were never realized, A Lighthouse of Asaph is a book to encourage you and help you find meaning in your circumstances.
lunes, 3 de septiembre de 2012
Can you post this excerpt?
By Roberto Ornan Roche
They wanted the "perfect" story, without miracles and without churches, so that sin did not seem so bad, nor the Christians so good; where the suffering one, the abandoned one, and the ordinary one did not count. A story to give meaning to the vanity of the World and to open the doors equally to all the experiences.
They wanted clearly understood the reason why evil covers and overcomes good so easily; the reason why the man who has abandoned his wife can hardly remember her affection, her tender care, and her love without measure; and while she is thinking that she is present in his mind, she is for him only a vagrant and uncomfortable memory that never appears in the most meritorious moments of the day.
They wanted a story full of peace and harmony; with a God who does not abide by all His promises; and with many children who claim not to believe in Him; but with capable men who are willing to substitute Him with their songs.
They intended a story of long roads without shade, all of them built by man's hands and with the blood of others, they also intended to step on the grass without noticing the dead butterflies. They thought the forbidden fruit would be a trophy, and the mantle of iniquity that human beings take inside would be similar to their own freedom.
They imagined a story where sinners and their blasphemies were applauded and fully accepted because there are always new rights to conceive. A story of new experiences, without prodigal children, which never forgives the past, and follows a new road without looking backwards. A story where errors did not count and they were taken as lived experiences.
They wanted a story without tears or pain, without cancer, without thorns or angels.
They wanted a story without me, without my brethren, without regrets or redemption; a story without Heaven.
They wanted a "perfect" story, without Psalms, a Godless eternity, but they only had the story of the Saviour who died on the cross of the Calvary, and they did not really like that story very much.
From the book:
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (Paperback) (Kindle)
lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012
Review of my book "The Lighthouse of Asaph", by Larry B. Gray (Rating: 5 Stars) (Paperback) (Kindle)
jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012
Free Spanisn eBook/Ebook Gratis en Amazon
Free Spanish eBook (El Escritor Cristiano: Bendiciones desde Cuba)
"El Escritor Cristiano: Bendiciones desde Cuba"
If you read Spanish or like it to gift to Latin readers, this is your opportunity.
Please share with others.
Blessings, Roberto
miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012
The great mission of to be Cuban and to sell books in Amazon
Nevertheless, and this is important, I am according, because at the beginning, 3 months I passed without selling a single copy and during several months I didn't sell more than 5 books a month. The last month I sold more than 40 books to 99 cents and this month already of 12 books in 8 days.
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (Paperback) (Kindle)
"The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories": (Kindle)
martes, 7 de agosto de 2012
THE LIGHTHOUSE OF ASAPH: New price for print version
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (US)
lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012
"Inspiring Reflections", Review by Emelia Mosima
The Lighthouse of Asaph is a compilation of short stories creatively and beautifully written. It offers true and practical reflections of the Christian life and the Christian community. Every page contains relevant insights for the walk of the redeemed. The greatness and love of God are portrayed in a practical and sometimes amusing way. There is no doubt that you will feel loved and wanted by God after reading this book. As you dive further into the book you will be inspired and propelled to move forward with the journey of life despite the discomforts of the road.
If you enjoy reading inspirational short stories, this book is for you. You can also buy this book as a gift for someone who feels like their lives are not making any advancement and needs some uplifting. If you have a friend or you know someone you want to remind that God cares about them and sees their struggles, get them this book. (Kindle) (Paperback)
Interview witth Martin Roth (Australian Author):
miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012
FREE book
"The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories"
4.5 Stars, is free Aug 1-2. (US) (UK)
viernes, 20 de julio de 2012
Unforgettable Christian Reflections
Blessings from Cuba,
martes, 10 de julio de 2012
Free promotion, The Lighthouse of Asaph, by Roberto Ornan Roche
My Cuban Christian book "The Lighthouse of Asaph" is free at the Amazon Kindle store for one day, today July 10th.
Please if you can support me and share with others.
Blessings from Cuba!
Roberto Ornan Roche
Bookcrossing: (Paperback) (Kindle) (Kindle)
domingo, 8 de julio de 2012
My AuthorsDen page, please if you can support me
Bookcrossing: (Paperback) (Kindle) (Kindle)
"The Lighthouse of Asaph", selling well this month
Bookcrossing: (Paperback) (Kindle) (Kindle)
sábado, 30 de junio de 2012
Interview with Janet Eckles
martes, 26 de junio de 2012
Pedro Okoro's Crushing the Devil
ENLARGE and ENRICH your eLIBRARY with tons of GREAT Books, Messages and More!
GET up to $250 worth of VALUABLE downloadable freebies Today TUESDAY JUNE 26TH when you buy "Crushing The Devil." For more info, visit the Landing Page: ~> http://crushingthed
jueves, 21 de junio de 2012
Christian book shopping spree
17 books for free!
martes, 19 de junio de 2012
"Sassy Pants Makes Amends" by Carol A. Brown
Sassy Pants Makes Amends
jueves, 14 de junio de 2012
Two discount codes for paperback version of THE LIGHTHOUSE OF ASAPH: UNFORGETTABLE CHRISTIAN REFLECTIONS (CreateSpace)
50% off
4.00 USD off.
Facebook: (Paperback) (Kindle) (Kindle)
martes, 12 de junio de 2012
tags and likes in B&N?
sábado, 9 de junio de 2012
"The Lighthouse of Asaph" free tonight and tomorrow.
Blessings from Cuba!
viernes, 8 de junio de 2012
About "The Lighthouse of Asaph"
Some years ago I wrote a series of stories. I wrote them without thinking about publishing them, much less to share this set of stories with so many people; I only experienced that with my closest friends and some relatives.
Little by little those stories were increasing, not only in number but also concerning the amount of personal feelings and creative and fancy options that were able to get out of my own heart. Then a Pastor from the Dominican Republic, who placed on me his confidence, prayers and support, encouraged me to continue writing them, with the fact that they could be good to help others.
My life was full of sadness. I could see people everywhere receiving apparently undeserved miracles, but my miracle seemed to be completely impossible, without understanding that a miracle was also happening to me. The sort of facts that I was waiting for, events of the past thought to be dead that could revive again in the present, never really happened, but outstanding things did, so I could change my life and see many other good things.
Then, one day I gathered all those stories into a book which I entitled "The Lighthouse of Asaph", because I like lighthouses a lot, and the name of Asaph due to a man of the Bible who was sad and discouraged. That biblical name had been engraved on my mind when one night one of the young people of my church came to visit me accompanied by others. He wanted to encourage me spiritually and used an illustration based on Asaph. I used to visit lighthouses of Cuba and made reports for pleasure; and as the lighthouses are generally associated with the guide of Jesus for us, I made the decision to use that allegory.
Every year, when arriving the terrible and threatening hurricanes of the Caribbean, I lose sleep and the happiness, fearing that the strong winds could pull up the trees that my father planted almost forty years ago; some of them are already rootless, but there are still many in foot and this fact is one of the best memories that I have of him. Many times my mother and I were praying next to the door while the wind blew irresistibly outdoors. When I think of something like that, I also imagine that our faith can be considered as trees which are looked after by other people, new ones can be planted as renovated reasons and good actions and ideals to be fed, comparable with lovely kept seeds of those old demolished trees. A new way to rescue the faith from the mean of the pain that exists around us may be thought as well.
Many times my memories and thoughts transformed into dry leaves, then they were gathered as ashes, but one day, miraculously, all those ideals began to hold testimonies, varied texts and memories that could be good for others to begin again. It was not a simply personal game of learning how to use words but of reviving myself when using them.
Your friend writer, Roberto Ornan Roche.
Facebook: (Paperback) (Kindle) (Kindle)