miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2012

The great mission of to be Cuban and to sell books in Amazon

Dear Brethren:
The sales of my book has ascended in number of copies downloaded for Kindle, but the earnings are minimum because my price stays to only 99 cents. The last months I don't recover the money that I spend in promotion, because in Cuba internet costs are up to 2 usd each hour plus phone connections costs (1 USD by hour) # 3 USD by hour, at the same time that internet is very slow to a maximum of 52 kbs. To open a page of Facebook without posting anything requires 5 minutes, to open a blog page and that it is shown with all plugins, around 10 minutes, add to this the time of post, to read or simply to save in the hard disk to read later.
This is without mentioning that the national ones cannot have internet, only to obtain it through a temporary foreign resident that are the only people that the lonely statal company of telephone offered this service. All the royaltys of my book I put at name of other people that lives in USA, I cannot even download free books, not reviews neither likes, because it is not allowed for my country.
Nevertheless, and this is important, I am according, because at the beginning, 3 months I passed without selling a single copy and during several months I didn't sell more than 5 books a month. The last month I sold more than 40 books to 99 cents and this month already of 12 books in 8 days.
My English is not good but I think that you understands me well.
Blessings, from Cuba
Like ~ Books Around Us: http://www.facebook.com/BooksAroundUs
Blog: http://thecubanchristianwriter.blogspot.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/rocheror
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections":
http://www.amazon.com/dp/0987901117 (Paperback)
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004VWQ3E0 (Kindle)
"The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories":
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0055ECG0I (Kindle)

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