viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Unforgettable Christian Reflections

Can you link in your blog, webpage or share in FB the Cuban Christian book: "The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections" ~Inspired by Psalm 73~
3 Reviews, 4.3 Stars, only .99 ctvs
Roberto Ornan Roche

martes, 10 de julio de 2012

Free promotion, The Lighthouse of Asaph, by Roberto Ornan Roche

My Cuban Christian book "The Lighthouse of Asaph" is free at the Amazon Kindle store for one day, today July 10th.

Please if you can support me and share with others.

Blessings from Cuba!

Roberto Ornan Roche




"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (Paperback) (Kindle)
"The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories": (Kindle)


domingo, 8 de julio de 2012

My AuthorsDen page, please if you can support me

Dear Folks:
I have this AuthorsDen page, maybe can you become a fan, add to your library, share with friends, like it or subscribe. I not have followers in AuthorsDen:
Blessings from Cuba
Roberto Ornan Roche
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (Paperback) (Kindle)
"The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories": (Kindle)

"The Lighthouse of Asaph", selling well this month

Dear Folks:
I sold 8 digital books of "The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections", the traduction to English of my spanish written book. Promedy: one copy by day, but is very difficult to entry in the top 100 in the "Spirituality" and "Christian Living" categories. Surely, all this impelled by Spree of Shelley Hitz.
#52,868 Paid in Kindle Store
Only I have two 4.0 Stars reviews, but I am very happy because are good comments about the book.
The next July 10 I have a one day free promotion of this book, I hoop
Blessings from Cuba,
"The Lighthouse of Asaph: Unforgettable Christian Reflections": (Paperback) (Kindle)
"The Cuban Christian Writer: Redemption, Encouragement & Restoration Stories": (Kindle)